A Day in the Life of a Bogan

The neanderthal awakes from his slumber, still hungover from the night of consuming ungodly amounts of low-quality Australian beer. Surprisingly, he bothers to brush his teeth, but not enough for an adequate amount of time. No shower, and he equips a dirty construction shirt. He eventually arrives at his workplace, 30 minutes late. Predictably, his occupation was a borderline expendable manual labourer; on the site he is friendly to those like him, to which they would share stubbies, amongst themselves. However, this friendliness has ended from intoxicated violence, always initially beginning from a minor and pointless quarrel. Even during expected professionalism (while they are working) they are mildly drunk, therefore making themselves unfit for the task at hand. This bogan is essentially an alcoholic, drinking night and day. And despite his alcoholism, quite extraordinarily, his liver has not once collapsed, and has yet to do so. The only thing commendable about bogans is although they might be slow, they are hard workers, and get the job done, so long as you simplify your instructions; and doesn't require significant brain usage. So, after eight hours or so of construction work, he begins his night life. Upon entering the same pub that he visits every day, he is cheered, but only by other bogans. The life of a man such as this is quite repetitive, yet they don't seem to mind. He orders the same drink he always does, and drinks enough to become a bumbling, mumbling buffoon. When he is in this state, he approaches other patrons, murmuring on about whatever may be wandering around in his small mind. After this point, two possibilities may occur: he will pass out, to which he will awake outside of the pub, or he will still be conscious enough to call a taxi and go home. And so is the life of a Bogan.